
All motor vehicles that park on campus during the academic year are required to display a current permit for the area in which they will be parked. 为了购买停车许可证,车辆必须是 预注册网上 (instructions below) or at the Cashiers Office (2nd floor Deputy Hall), (218) 755-2045.

The make, 模型, color and license state/number of the vehicle are required for pre-registration. Permits will be issued once pre-registration is complete and payment has been made. 许可证必须正确地显示在车辆上. Proper display is considered as being attached to the rear view mirror with numbers facing windshield so permit is clearly visible.


  1. 在Omnigo开始您的在线预注册.
  2. On page 1, select the permit you wish to purchase (permits and pricing are listed on this page).
  3. 填写2-4页所需信息. 有些字段是强制性的, 包括你的车牌号码, 模型, 制作和颜色, 所以请在开始之前准备好这些信息.
  4. 以便完成注册, 必须通过电话与出纳办公室付款, (218) 755-2045, 或亲自前往(2号副厅)nd 地板).

重要提示: Pre-registration does 不 guarantee you a permit and your registration is 不 complete until payment is received at the Cashiers Office. Several permits have limited availability and are sold on a first-come, 标间. Pre-registrations older than 30 days are subject to be removed from the database.


如果你是BSU或NTC的员工, you may elect to have the cost of the parking permit deducted from your paycheck. 完成 工资扣除 form and bring your signed copy to the Cashiers Office in Deputy Hall when you come to pick up your permit.


Permits are required in all campus lots from the first day of Fall semester to the end of Spring semester during the academic year. All parking lots are clearly marked at each entrance with signs indicating the necessary permit requirements for that lot. It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner/operator to be aware of the location of legal parking spaces.

There are eight types of permits represented by eight different colors available for purchase, 哪些地方允许在特定地段停车. The eight permits are divided into two categories, residential permits and commuter permits.

所有居住许可证, 还有紫色和白色的通勤许可证, have limited availability because of parking lot size and will be sold on a first-come, 标间. LR地段除外, 里面有停车位, 没有许可证保证有停车位.

还可以购买7天或14天的临时许可证, 哪些只在指定地段有效.


Residential permits include 红色的 (白桦/林登 Lot), 黑色(雪松地段), 蓝色(橡木地段), 黄色(矩形. 中心地段)和橙(核桃地段).


Residential lot permits are 只有 available for purchase by individuals residing in residence halls.

  • 红色: 仅出售给桦树和林登的居民,并在桦树/林登,矩形使用.核桃和橡木地块. 有限的可用性.
  • 黄色: 只提供给桦树,林登和塔马拉克的居民,并在矩形使用.核桃和橡木地块. 有限的可用性.
  • 黑色: 首先提供给雪松公寓的居民, 但是根据需求, 其他宿舍楼学生可以使用吗. 有限的可用性.
  • 橙色: 适用于桦木, 林登, Tamarack and Pine residents and usable in the new 胡桃木 Lot west of 核桃大厅, 还有橡树停车场. 有限的可用性.
  • 蓝色: 任何宿舍的学生都可以使用 只有 在橡树厅停车场. 这也是 只有 宿舍楼停车场可供橡树.



居住许可证 2024年秋季
红色(桦树/椴树地块) $333.84
黄色(矩形. 中心很多) $284.96
黑色(雪松地段) $258.96
橙子(核桃组) $204.88
蓝色(橡木地段) $150.80


Information pertaining to each residential lot, permit(s) required and any lot restrictions.

住宅区 许可证要求 限制
白桦/林登 红色的 任何时候都需要许可证.
矩形. Center 红色的 黄色的 任何时候都需要许可证.
雪松 黑色的 任何时候都需要许可证.
胡桃木 红色的 黄色的 橙色 任何时候都需要许可证.
橡木 红色的 黄色的 橙色 蓝色的 任何时候都需要许可证.



通勤许可证 2023-2024学年
白色(有限预留地段) $296.15
紫色(现批次) $211.97已售罄
绿色(P.E. 地段,Bangsberg地段,湖大街.) $106.25



通勤许可证 2024-2025学年
白色(有限预留地段) $615.92
紫色(现批次) $440.91
绿色(P.E. 地段,Bangsberg地段,湖大街.) $221.01



Information pertaining to each commuter lot, permit(s) required and any lot restrictions.

通勤很多 许可证要求 限制
白色 紫色的 需要许可证.m. 到下午6点.m. M-F
禁止停车.m. 到6岁.m.
Bangsberg 白色 紫色的 绿色 需要许可证.m. 到5点.m. M-F
禁止停车.m. 到6岁.m.
湖大街. 白色 紫色的 绿色 需要许可证.m. 到5点.m. M-F
禁止停车.m. 到6岁.m.
有限的储备 白色 任何时候都需要许可证.
P.E. (上 & 低) 白色 紫色的 绿色 需要许可证.m. 到5点.m. M-F
禁止停车.m. 到6岁.m.



临时许可证 2024-2025学年
蓝色(住宅),7天 $9.36
蓝色(住宅),14天 $17.68
绿色(仅限通勤),7天 $10.10



全国过渡委员会许可 2024-2025学年
全国过渡委员会允许 $69.56



摩托车、踏板车和轻便摩托车(自行车) 这些车辆必须预先登记 然后到出纳处付款完成登记, 副厅2楼, 以便在指定的校园自行车道上停车.

2022-2023年的注册费为41美元 一学年.

一经登记,概不签发许可证或贴纸, 这个周期将被记录在案, allowing the ability to park in any designated cycle pad throughout campus once registration is complete with the Cashiers Office.

单车登记不可转让, 规定每个周期须登记及缴付注册费. Cycle pads are clearly marked with signage throughout campus and are located in priority areas. 将车停在自行车专用区外是违法的.

摩托车不允许停放在指定的自行车停放区, 自行车专用道以外的人行道, 校园内的草地或非指定的自行车道. Cycles are also prohibited from being stored anywhere on campus during the winter months. 在这几个月里,一旦天气不允许开车,就会强制执行这项规定.

在指定区域设有残疾人停车位. 因为地段维护需要所有许可证持有人共同承担, 大学要求这些员工, faculty and students with vehicles displaying a valid state-issued disabled parking permit (including temporary state-issued disabled parking permits) or a license plate are also required to display a 贝米吉州立大学 parking permit while parked in any university-owned disabled parking stall.

如果指定的停车位已满,您可以选择停车, 你可在任何一个收费泊车位停泊最多两小时. After two hours, you must either relocate your vehicle or pay the posted metered rate. 访问ors to campus DO NOT need a university parking permit while parked in a disabled stall, 但仍需有国家颁发的残疾人许可证或牌照. 残疾人摊位全年24小时营业.

Seven (7) or fourteen (14) day temporary parking permits are available for anyone who requires this type of flexibility. 这些许可证可在副厅2楼的出纳办公室购买.

Seven-day permits are $8 each (不 including tax) and 14-day permits are $16 each (不 including tax).

For persons that have a current permit but as a result of an unforeseeable occurrence or inability to display the permit, 可获得临时许可证, 免费, 来自公共安全办公室, (218) 755-3888, 核桃大厅. 这并  包括已报告丢失或被盗的许可证.

访客停车许可证可在各个校园办公室获得. 访客许可证只发给校园访客,最长可逗留三天. Registered students, faculty and staff of the university may 不 receive a visitor permit. They are 不 valid in metered, reserved or in any area where parking is 不 normally allowed.

NTC停车许可证只在班斯堡的Bemidji State有效. NTC students may purchase a BSU commuter permit in place of a NTC student permit. 所有BSU停车许可证在NTC有效.

请参阅 NTC停车许可证网页 有关价格的进一步信息和细节.

向合格的退休教职员工免费发放黄金许可证. Gold permits non-transferable and must be re-registered each year using the registration link above. 黄金许可证只在美国有效.E. 地段,Bangsberg地段及湖大街.

停车许可证的退款将不按比例计算. A refund for a complete semester may be received if the permit is returned to the Cashiers Office (Deputy Hall), (218) 755-2045, 学期开始后三天内. 任何未完成的引用将减少退款金额.

Lost or stolen parking permits should immediately be reported to the Department of 公共安全. (LR)许可证除外, lost or stolen permits may be replaced at the Cashiers Office for one half of the value of the permit. 换领(香港牌照)通行证须缴付固定费用$25.

被盗停车许可证被报告给当地执法部门. If a vehicle is parked in a campus lot displaying a previously reported stolen permit, the person in possession of the permit may be charged with a violation of 明尼苏达州 Statutes.

复制是违法的, alter or reproduce any 贝米吉州立大学 parking permit for the purpose of fraudulently receiving parking services. Violators will be criminally prosecuted and University Conduct 违反 will be submitted.